Welcome to Life Fellowship Church
Musical evening - 21 Dec 2024, Panchayat Hall Trivandrum.
verse of the day
Our programs & Ministries
Life Fellowship Church has different programs and ministries to cater to the need of all the members of the church
Our Statement of Faith
1 – The Bible
We believe that the Holy Bible was inspired by God, written by men and is completely free from error. It is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction and reveals the principles by which God will judge us. It includes within it the only way of salvation. It will remain to the end of the world, the supreme standard and final authority by which all matters of life and doctrine should be tested.
Church Services & Programs
English Worship Service – SUN 08:00 AM to 09:30 AM
Malayalam Worship Service – SUN 10:00 AM to 12 NOON
Sunday School – SUN 9:00 AM to 10:30
ONLINE BIBLE STUDY – THU – 07:00 PM to 08.00 PM
FASTING & PRAYER – FRI – 10.00 AM to 12 NOON
CELL MEETING 3RD TUE – 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
SPECIAL MEETING 2ND SAT (of every month) 10:AM to 01:00 PM