Governing Council


Governing Council of the Trust is a body consisting of all members of BOT & COE.

Resolution of any difference in opinion between BOT and COE is resolved by majority decision at the Governing Council.

Meeting of the Governing Council shall be convened by the Secretary of the Trust in consultation with the Managing Trustee and Senior Elder.

The minutes of the meeting of Governing Council shall be signed by the Managing Trustee and Senior Elder and attendance by all attendees.

Any grievance, complaint, misconduct of a member of LFC or any conduct affecting the reputation of the Church by a Church member or any pastor or evangelist, such issues should be brought to the notice of the COE for preliminary enquiry and if found valid, the same shall be referred to the Governing Council for penal action including suspension from church membership. Governing Council can recommend to the General Council for more severe punishment including removal from membership if necessary.


  1. Members to the Board of Elders, Senior Pastor and Senior Evangelists are chosen by the General Council of the TRUST from among the members of the Life Fellowship church. The term of office of the Elders, Senior Pastor and Senior Evangelist shall be for a period of 3 years  
  2. Members eligible to be considered for the position of an Elder must fulfill the qualifications given in 1 Timothy 3:1-13. They should be truly anointed of the Holy Spirit and recognized in the Church as godly, mature people.
  3. Senior Pastor and senior evangelist will be members of Council of Elders as Elders.
  4. The total strength of COE shall be not more than seven.
  5. The Governing Council shall choose from among the Senior Pastor or Senior Evangelist a person to be Senior Elder, who shall preside over the COE meetings.
  6. The Primary responsibility of the COE is to oversee the doctrinal and spiritual issues in the Church, ensuring adherence to Biblical Principles by the Church; decide on the order of worship, Overseeing the Pastoral Team, Evangelism Team and Care Cells and guide them wherever needed.
  7. COE has responsibility of providing clear guidance to the Church in step with the directions of the Holy Spirit.
  8. Programs proposed by COE involving financial commitments must be referred to the Governing Council for final approval before announcements are made.
  9. A senior Pastor from Pastoral Team and a Senior Evangelist from Evangelists team will be in the COE, one of them may be designated as Senior Elder.
  10. The decisions taken by the COE shall be recorded and all members of the COE shall indicate their agreement or disagreement to the decision attested with their signature.
  11. The COE shall address any disputes, grievance and doctrinal issues in the church by receiving opinions, complaints and dealing with them based on the New Testament Principles.
  12. The decisions arrived on such matters, must be on Biblical basis and in line with New Testament teachings and the same shall be reported in writing to the Governing Council who will then take a final call on the issue and communicate to the complainant.
  13. The meeting of the COE will be convened by the Senior Elder or by notice signed by three of the members. The term of office of COE is three years. Upon completion of a three Year term, the term of office of Elder, Senior Pastor, senior evangelist and senior Elder automatically comes to an end unless extended by the general Council of Life Fellowship Trust and new Elders are chosen by the General Council of the Trust.


  1. The primary responsibility of the Pastoral Team is to provide spiritual and pastoral care to the Church attendees as well as those who are unable to attend the Church meetings due to sickness or ill health, or old age etc.. They shall provide leadership and direction to the Meetings of the Church, do everything necessary to make disciples and equip the people for works of service so that the Body may be built up. They shall function as shepherds of the flock watching over them in a way               honourable to the Lord, exercising leadership as servants, setting a godly example, and not pursuing dishonest gain (1Pet. 5: 1–4).
  1. Appointment of Pastors shall be done only with three fourth majority decision of the Governing Council.
  2. Generally, Pastors are expected to offer their service either full time or part time with or without remuneration.
  3. Pastoral Team will be guided by Senior Pastor but the whole team will be functionally under the Council of Elders.

A pastor can be relieved of his responsibilities by majority decision of the Governing Council.


  1. The main function of a Church is to Evangelise. Spreading of the Good News and sharing Hope to the hopeless is Evangelisation.
  2. The Great Commission of the Church is to evangelize.
  3. Evangelists are appointed by the Governing Council.
  4. Generally, Evangelists are expected to offer their service either full time or part time with or without remuneration.
  5. Evangelists Team will be guided by a Senior Evangelist but the whole team will be functionally under the supervision of the council of Elders.



  1. Next to Evangelism, the Trust will focus on Charity and Mercy ministry in accordance with the teaching of Jesus Christ.
  2. Charity should be targeted towards promotion of self help groups rather than as an incentive for encouraging dependence on freebees.
  3. Board of Trustees may form a committee under one of the Trustees, comprising three or five members

The administration of Charity ministry will be reviewed by the Governing Council once in three months.

  1. Mercy ministries will target to extend material help and prayer support to sick or aged or immobilized persons.
  2. ihe quantum of help depends on the fund allocated for the purpose by the BOT.
  3. Mercy Ministry may be led by a Pastor from the Pastoral Team and may consist of three or five members chosen by COE. The activities of this ministry will be reviewed by the Governing Council every three months