
Life Fellowship evolved out of a prayer meeting in the 90’s, where few youngsters met for fellowship and mutual edification, every week. The Lord was gracious to bring in more people from across the city of Trivandrum and in the year 2000 a Charitable Religious Trust was formed under the name “Life Fellowship “, with the objective of promoting fellowship among the members, strengthening them with teachings of the Holy Scriptures and reaching out to the society with the love of God revealed in Christ Jesus . The Fellowship met every week in a rented small hall with the desire of worshiping Jesus Christ and having fellowship for mutual empowerment, in the Lord Jesus Christ. ‘Life Fellowship’, LIFE, represents ‘Living in Faith Everyday’, is a place to come and experience the abundant life of God, manifested in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

The Lord has worked wonderfully in our midst and the fellowship began to grow and produced change in the lives of many people. As a testimony to the work of the God who can expand “small beginnings”, the fellowship which started off in a small way as a prayer group, began to increase and expand to impact people, from every walk of life.

The Holy Spirit put a great hunger and thirst in the hearts of the people to join together as one body of believers, in large and small groups, to ‘worship the Lord in Spirit and truth’ and to build their lives ‘upon the foundational truths of the written Word of God, “The Holy Bible’.

Today as a church, we assemble at TC 11/ 2147-1, Tilak Nagar, Nalanchira, on every Sunday and other weekdays, as per a pre-defined programme announced, well in advance. The Church continues to grow as a place to develop disciples for the kingdom of our God and reach out with the message of the gospel. We acknowledge with gratitude to the Lord, all those who have planted the seed diligently for the beginning of the church. We as Life Fellowship, praise the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, who makes things to grow through all those who laboured during different stages of existence of the Life Fellowship church.